Are you looking for a free, open source operating system for your computer in 2023? The landscape is wide and varied; trying to decide between the many available can be confusing. Stay informed using this post! Here, we investigate the current development of the top five Open Source Operating Systems (OS) currently on offer. We’ll explore their features and abilities – such as customization potential, security standards, ease-of-use, among other topics – to determine which OS may best suit your needs by 2023. With ample information from each OS supplier and our technology expertise at hand, read on to make an educated decision before investing in one of the five contenders for Free Open Source Operating System of 2023!

So How Does an Open Source Operating System Work?

An open-source OS is developed, distributed and maintained by a group of volunteers who make their source code available to the public. This allows users to modify for their specific needs, making it highly customizable and potentially powerful. Additionally, an open-source OS tends to be more secure because its code is widely examined by the community at large.

How Do I Install an Open Source Operating System?

You can start by downloading the ISO file, which is an image of the installation disc. For most open source operating systems, you can find these files on the official website. Once downloaded, you should burn it to a blank DVD or USB flash drive and make sure it’s bootable.

The next step is to configure your computer’s BIOS settings so that it will recognize the disk or drive where you placed the ISO file. To do this, you need to enter your computer’s bios menu when it boots up and change the “Boot priority order.” This will allow your machine to load from whatever media contains your chosen OS instead of trying to load from its internal hard drive.

Finally, reboot your machine and select the media with your ISO file when prompted. This will take you to the installation wizard, which can walk you through the setup process step-by-step. Depending on the operating system in question, it may be necessary to create partitions before getting started, but this should be made clear during installation.

Once everything is set up correctly, you’ll be ready to start using your new OS! Remember that open source software often requires periodic updates, so make sure you keep an eye out for any notifications regarding bug fixes or security patches.


A veteran in the world of Free Open Source Operating Systems (FOSS), Linux has been around since 1991 and is still going strong. Its kernel supports many hardware platforms, its user base spans every continent, and many commercial enterprises rely on it too! If you’re looking for a long-term platform that will keep up with your ever-changing needs over time, look no further than Linux. It is known for its stability, reliability and flexibility. In addition to this, it has excellent security features that make it the go-to choice for many businesses.


Originally developed at the University of California, Berkeley in 1993, FreeBSD is now supported by a worldwide team of volunteers and sponsored by The FreeBSD Foundation. It’s known primarily for its stability and reliability, and is an excellent choice if you want an OS with a low learning curve. FreeBSD also has a ton of open source software available to download straight from the ports tree, so you can get up and running quickly.


Illumos is an OpenSolaris-based OS developed by a volunteer community in 2010. It offers advanced features, such as ZFS (which is an enterprise-grade file system) and DTrace performance analysis. This OS also makes it easy to create robust cloud computing solutions and scale them as needed, as well as supporting virtualization and container technology.


This is the oldest open-source operating system still in active development. It was created in 1995 and is renowned for its security features and advanced cryptography implementation. The developers of OpenBSD believe that users should be able to trust their systems without requiring additional applications or services, so they have focused on making it a secure OS from the ground up.


This OS was developed mainly for personal computer users (as opposed to servers), and its goal is to provide an open-source alternative to Windows operating systems. It has a ton of features, including full support for most Windows applications, native network capabilities and many other powerful components. The developers have also made sure that ReactOS is fully compliant with the Windows API, so it can be used as a drop-in replacement for Windows in many cases.

5 Open Source Operating Systems for Mobile Devices


Android has become the world’s most popular mobile operating system. It was first developed by Google and is now open source, meaning anyone can download and modify it. Android is on Linux and is the most widely used OS for smartphones and tablets. It supports a wide range of software, including many apps available in the Google Play Store.

Ubuntu Touch

Ubuntu Touch is an open-source mobile operating system built on top of Ubuntu Linux. It offers a unique user experience with its simple yet powerful design that focuses on a “convergence” between desktops, phones, and tablets devices. Unlike other mobile operating systems, Ubuntu Touch also allows users to run traditional desktop applications alongside mobile apps in a secure environment.

Firefox OS

Firefox OS is a mobile operating system from Mozilla. It is open source and based on Linux, using HTML5 technologies as its main development platform. Firefox OS offers an integrated web experience with its focus on content rather than apps, allowing users to access their favorite websites without having to download separate apps for each one.


Tizen is an open-source mobile operating system that uses the Linux kernel and other open source libraries for its core components. Developed by the Linux Foundation in collaboration with Samsung, Intel, and various other partners, Tizen provides a high degree of flexibility for developers and allows them to create applications easily across different device types.

Sailfish OS

Sailfish OS is an open-source mobile operating system based on the Linux kernel. It was first developed by Finnish company Jolla and has since been used as the basis for other projects. It’s designed to provide a unified experience across all devices, from smartphones to tablets and wearables. Sailfish OS also features dynamic theming support, allowing users to customize the look of their device with ease.

IBM Operating Systems

IBM offers a variety of operating systems, including z/OS, AIX, Linux on POWER and IBM i.

z/OS is designed for mission-critical environments and provides fast processing times. It also features advanced security capabilities and multiple platform support for both mainframe and distributed computing.

AIX is an open source UNIX-based operating system that runs on IBM Power Systems hardware. It includes various virtualization technologies such as PowerVM and WPARs to help deliver high performance applications in the cloud.

Linux on POWER is a collaboration between IBM and the open source community which combines the best of two worlds: industry-leading hardware from IBM with powerful Linux distributions from Red Hat, Ubuntu or SUSE. It enables customers to develop and deploy applications on the same hardware platform, taking advantage of the performance and scalability benefits of Linux.

IBM i is a secure, integrated operating system specifically designed for IBM Power Systems servers. It provides an open architecture that enables businesses to quickly customize their IT resources to meet changing business requirements. IBM i also offers advanced security features such as encryption, authentication and authorization controls to help protect data and systems from unauthorized access. IBM i can run on-premises or in the cloud and supports a range of application development tools such as Node.js, Java, Python and RPG.

With these powerful operating systems at your disposal, you have access to reliable and secure technologies that are optimized for both distributed computing environments as well as traditional mainframe systems. IBM’s operating systems provide businesses with the flexibility and scalability to meet their IT needs, whatever they may be.

Whether you need a secure system for mission-critical applications, or an open source Linux platform for cloud development projects, IBM has the right operating system for your business. With its industry leading hardware and powerful software solutions, IBM is well-positioned to help your business achieve success.